José Geovanny Torres Morataya, 22, is from Guatemala and has been living at Jardín de las Mariposas, a shelter for LGBTQ migrants. Torres came to the shelter several months ago. She is currently transitioning and hopes to seek asylum in the United States.
Ceidy Zethare, 22, left, and Emy Abrego, 34, walk back to Jardín de las Mariposas, a shelter for LGBTQ asylum seekers. Both have just learned that they will be allowed to enter the United States through a special program for particularly vulnerable migrants.
José Geovanny Torres Morataya, 22, participates in a play put on to educate a delegation of congress members about what LGBTQ asylum seekers face at Jardín de las Mariposas, a shelter for LGBTQ migrants and asylum seekers, on Friday, May 6, 2022 in Tijuana, Baja California.
Zethare, left, and Julian Chacón do laundry together to save money while they wait in Tijuana, living at a migrant shelter, for the United States to allow them to request asylum.
Ceidy Zethare, 22, embraces Emy Abrego, 34, after learning through a voice message that they will be allowed to enter the United States through a special program for particularly vulnerable migrants.

Zethare calls her mother to share that she will be allowed to enter the United States the next day. Her mother was one of the only people in Guatemala who supported her through the persecution she faced because of her gender identity.
Zethare’s mother reacts after learning through a phone call that Zethare will be allowed to enter the United States. The two have a close relationship, and the mother hopes that Zethare will be able to achieve her dreams in the United States in a way that she couldn’t in Guatemala because of discrimination based on her gender identity.
From left: Abrego, Samuel Antonio Carranza Chavez, Zethare and Chacón walk back to Jardín de las Mariposas, a shelter for LGBTQ asylum seekers, after finishing their laundry.
Zethare pokes her head out of a bedroom to speak to a housemate while getting ready on her last morning at Jardín de las Mariposas.
Luis Fernando Umana does the eyeshadow of Zethare on her last morning at the shelter. Zethare did the rest of her makeup herself, but Umana specializes in doing eyeshadow for many of the residents.
Zethare finishes packing on her last day at Jardín de las Mariposas. She’d painted her fingernails the night before in preparation for the journey to the border.

Asylum seekers watch a video about the asylum process before heading to El Chaparral plaza to cross the border to PedWest, where U.S. officials will process them.
Alinne Audelo, left, and Zethare as they and others receive an orientation about the process they’re about to go through when they reach PedWest pedestrian border crossing.
Zethare waits to walk into the western entrance of the main port of entry between San Diego and Tijuana, known as PedWest on the north side and El Chaparral on the south side. She paused to wave shortly before walking in.